SOUL'd OUT「one man cast alone」歌詞


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「one man cast alone」歌詞


one man cast alone 自由と justice
one can tear apart dream と現実
one game happenin' on the qt
one chance cross beyond another one man

one flash beautiful endless memory
one crash そう 守るため my dear
your doubt 'bout to fall hang in 窮地
one shout drop the world kill revenge it

one shout drop the world kill revenge it
one shout drop the world 真の戦士
尊い甘美 world 負け犬 will be
will be closer bear another guilty
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 let it go

one man cast alone 自由と justice
one man cast alone bloody 真実
one man cast alone hang in 窮地
one man cast alone kill revenge it

one man cast alone 自由と justice
one man cast alone 自由と justice

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 sixtacy go

this is what it is (that it is so)
this is what it is (that it is so)

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 sixtacy go

primitive attack pimitive attack
覚醒 one beat distopia 暴いて bite 拡視
society デバイス uncensored ダミー double think
skinny 孤独 unknown soldier 破壊 SIM
殺伐 against 裂く砂塵 I'm feelin' it
歪み歪む社会の中で save the 神秘
broken 翼 傷に kissin' そう vainly
いかに苦に笑み 皮肉メタヒストリー
かつて dinosaur 闊歩 過去に去った king
pound for pound で一戦 己と tag
skinny killer 対峙すべき enemy 探し
IDナンバー破棄も覚悟 直進
背水の陣で受信 仁と信
いざ 辛辣な美学 描いて fightin'
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 mixtacy go

one man cast alone 自由と justice
one man cast alone bloody 真実
one man cast alone hang in 窮地
one man cast alone kill revenge it

one man cast alone 自由と justice
one man cast alone 自由と justice

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 sixtacy go

this is what it is (that it is so)
this is what it is (that it is so)

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 sixtacy go

尊厳たるや infosec 絡み
冷めた genocide スペクタクル
gotta take back in EL Drado

take this pain to be 自由と justice
潔白さえも they treat me as a creep
that's why we gotta make things happen
gotta take it back in Arcady go

i can see INC. in between society
what you gon' do

one man cast alone 自由と justice
one man cast alone 自由と justice

one man cast alone 自由と justice
one man cast alone bloody 真実
one man cast alone hang in 窮地
one man cast alone kill revenge it

alone at the end

alone at the end

alone at the end

alone at the end

アルバム「To From」収録曲

SOUL'd OUTの人気ランキング




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