Maggie Kim「The Voyager」歌詞

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The Voyager / Maggie Kim

「The Voyager」歌詞

歌手:Maggie Kim
作詞:Tiger Mountain Stream・Orenda Midwell・Lauren McCall
作曲:Hatch Strong

Bien Venue, Mon ami
Ca fait des longtemps
You knocked at my door
I lit a light for you

You remembered my words
Even though we said good bye
You are my friend
Your glass is still there
Let's sit and share the good old days

You are the one who I
Once loved so
You are a part of my soul
You know, my dear
Cast off your faded coat
Forget your tears
Close your eyes, just close your eyes
Speak to me in silence

Time is always
Our dear friend, isn't it?
You can start again
From any page you choose

One day you sailed away
Towards the rough waves and wind
Just for a while
Rest your broken wings
Just let me be, let me be with you

You had a dream
In the dream you once flew
Carry on, and soar
That's your wish, it's true
When you hear the call
I'll tell you again
I will say to you my dear
An unspoken "Au Revoir"

When you hear the call
I'll tell you again
I will say to you my dear
An unspoken "Good bye"

Maggie Kimの歌詞ランキング

 The VoyagerBien Venue, Mon ami Ca fait des longtemps You




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