Nothing's Carved In Stone「Raining Ash」歌詞


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「Raining Ash」歌詞

歌手:Nothing's Carved In Stone
作詞:Nothing's Carved In Stone
作曲:Nothing's Carved In Stone

Getting colder
Heavy air in my room
The circulator sings a busy sound

Checkered shirt that I left to dry inside
Is swinging under weatherglass now

Leaving this place within a few hours
Will the heat haze mirror all my life

Countless journals set on fire light up the night
Sparks that fly up will burn up my lung
Countless journals set on fire light up the night
Sparks that fly up will burn up my lung

Is there hope here? Forestland full of greed
I only used to wish for one thing

Smoldering love contained in a bottle
Will the heat haze mirror all my life

(love will always strike a heart beat)
(love will always start a brighter day)

Can we take
Can we make
(a) different future
Can we see
Can we please
Don't be so immature
Share our night so that you feel all right
Ashes fall
Raining down
Blocking what I see
But I'm still holding you
Let us go far away
Share our night and make you feel all right
Look beyond

I will still believe you
No matter what hampers
Leaving this place within a few hours
Will the heat haze mirror all my life

Can we take
Can we make
(a) different future
Can we see
Can we please
Don't be so immature
Share our night so that you feel all right
Ashes fall
Raining down
Blocking what I see
But I'm still holding you
Let us go far away
Share our night and make you feel all right

I remember how it started
My passion never fades away

Nothing's Carved In Stoneの人気ランキング




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