松田聖子「あなたに逢いたくて 〜Missing You〜 [English Version]」歌詞


ホーム > 松田聖子 > あなたに逢いたくて 〜Missing You〜 [English Version] 歌詞


「あなたに逢いたくて 〜Missing You〜 [English Version]」歌詞

作詞:Seiko Matsuda・Suzi Kim
作曲:Seiko Matsuda・Ryo Ogura

Closed the door to memories
To the room that used to be
Yours and mine for all to see
Bid farewell to you and me

Took me half a year to smile again
Just for me to smile again
Don't know just how or why but then
Keeping myself preoccupied
Oh babe how I tried
Got to start again, got to live again
Got to do it all over on my own

I'm missig you more and more with time
And you'll never know how bad I long for you
I miss your touch and your sweet caress
Each and every sleepless night
To feel you again I lay awake and then I close my eyes

Would have loved to walk with you
Down our only avenue
Our tomorrow ours to dream
You and me the tightest team

Didn't know that love could slip away
So I gave it all I could
Up and left me all alone one day
Giving you the best that I could give
The only way I could
Gave you all I got, gave you all my love
Gave you everything I ever lived for

I'm missig you more and more with time
And you'll never know how bad I long for you
I miss your touch and your sweet caress
Each and every sleepless night
To feel you again I lay awake and then I close my eyes

Didn't we see our heaven here on earth
Baby please forget-me-not
Didn't we almost see forevermore
Never ever gonna regret the way we loved

I'm missig you more and more with time
And you'll never know how bad I long for you
I miss your touch and your sweet caress
Each and every sleepless night
To feel you again I lay awake and then I close my eyes
I'm in love with you is what I long to say

アルバム「Sweetest Time」収録曲


1 明るい未来にしようね、Positiveに!不思議ね私 大丈夫よ 本当につらい別れだ...
2 赤いスイートピー春色の汽車に乗って 海に連れて行ってよ...
3 Sweet Memoriesなつかしい痛みだわ ずっと前に忘れていた...
4 RAINBOW〜六月生まれRain rain rainbow rain rain rainbow...
5 We Never Get To ItWe could change everything Just tak...
6 抱いて…何度も別れを 心に決めても あなたの顔を...
7 未来の花嫁空カン ひきずって あの娘 彼と車にのる...
8 bless youWonderin' night 例えば 君を忘れたな...
9 あなたに逢いたくて 〜Missing You〜二人の部屋の 扉を閉めて 思い出たちに“...
10 大切なあなためぐり逢えたね 待っていた 運命の人に...



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