The Gospellers「Lean on me」歌詞


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「Lean on me」歌詞

歌手:The Gospellers
作詞:Kirk Franklin
作曲:Kirk Franklin

(This is for that little child with no father
For that man who doesn't have a place to stay
For the little boy living with AIDS)

There's a man
Standing on the corner
He has no home, he has no food and his blue skies are gone
Can you hear him cryin' out

And there's a girl searching for a father and a friend
Praying that the storm some day will end

But instead of walking away
Open up your heart and say

I am here, you don't have to worry
I can see your tears
I'll be there in a hurry when you call
Friends are there to catch you when you fall
Here's my shoulder you can lean on me.

Oh, there's a child who is sick and begging to be free
But there is no cure for his disease
He looks up to his mother and
As she holds his hand

Prayin' that someday the sun will shine again
And the pain will end

I am here, you don't have to worry
I can see your tears
I'll be there in a hurry when you call
Friends are there to catch you when you fall
Here's my shoulder you can lean on me.
Tell me how can I, how can I love Jesus
When I've never seen his face

Yeah, I see you dying
And I turn and walk away

So hold my hand

Let me take you to a friend of mine

Who's waiting just to ease your troubled mind

He loves you more than you'll ever know

Instead of walking away (open up)
Open up your heart and say

I am here, you don't have to worry
I can see your tears
I'll be there in a hurry when you call
Friends will be there to catch you when,
catch you when you fall
Here's my shoulder you can lean on me.

Here's my shoulder you can lean on me.

Here's my shoulder... you can lean on me.

アルバム「Be as One」収録曲

The Gospellersの人気ランキング

1 ミモザ誰かと比べるような 恋なんてしなくていい...
2 Prisoner of loveいつからか 君がすべてと 秘めた恋心 そ...
3 残照愛していた事 今更伝えよう あなたを今で...
4 My Gift To You feat. 木原健太郎流れ星光った瞬間 あなたの夢を願った 同...
5 狂詩曲光と影の駆け引きで真夜中の Matador...
6 セプテノーヴァYou have a shining star, you've got...
7 スローバラード昨日はクルマの中で寝た あの娘と手をつな...
8 陽のあたる坂道もう あなたの肩を抱き寄せる紅のドアが...
9 ポーカーフェイス featuring RHYMESTERたぶん次のキスで あなたが崩れる たぶん...
10 一筋の軌跡一つになるのさ LALALALALA… 一つに...



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