BLUE ENCOUNT「new dawn」歌詞


ホーム > BLUE ENCOUNT > new dawn 歌詞


「new dawn」歌詞


Oh no! Look at the time!
I'm going to be sick
The pizza I left yesterday was dead
Damn it! What a pain
Can not get out of bed
No way. I got a last song syndrome

Wanna be the king
What are you gonna do?
We can be anything we want, can't we?
Drunk a beer that's lost its fizz
So, I got a go.

I'm a climber who go up a cliff with a smile.
I am dying to see a new dawn.
You're a glider who blazes a trail with a knife.
Let's take off. We will be fine.

Oh no! Look at the time!
I'm going to be sick
The pizza I left yesterday was dead
Damn it! What a pain
Can not get out of bed
No way. I got a last song syndrome

Sorry for the wait. The moment has come.
I will always trust my own decisions in my life.
What will be, will be. Not sure though.
So, I got a go.

I'm a climber who go up a cliff with a smile.
I am dying to see a newdawn.
You're a glider who blazes a trail with a knife.
Let's take off. We will be fine.

Oh no! Look at the time!
I'm going to be sick
The pizza I left yesterday was dead
Damn it! What a pain
Can not get out of bed
No way. I got a last song syndrome

Wanna be the king
What are you gonna do?
We can be anything we want, can't we?
Drunk a beer that's lost its fizz
So,I got a go.

I'm a climber who go up a cliff with a smile.
I am dying to see a new dawn.
You're a glider who blazes a trail with a knife.
Let's take off. We will be fine.

Oh no! Look at the time!
I'm going to be sick
The pizza I left yesterday was dead
Damn it! What a pain
Can not get out of bed
No way. I got a last song syndrome

Sorry for the wait.The moment has come.
I will always trust my own decisions in my life.
What will be, will be. Not sure though.
So, I got a go.

I'm a climber who go up a cliff with a smile.
I am dying to see a newdawn.
You're a glider who blazes a trail with a knife.
Let's take off. We will be fine.





goodbye againN0S archive
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