WayV「Call Me」歌詞


ホーム > WayV > Call Me 歌詞


「Call Me」歌詞

作詞:Dewain Whitmore・Michael Gerow
作曲:Daniel Davidsen・Peter Wallevik・Dewain Whitmore・Michael Gerow

You're so hard to read
Never say what you mean
When I look in your eyes
You disguise
How you really feel
Pretty lies

Almost 10 days
Since I've seen your face
Checking my line
Girl am I
Still on your mind
Tell me why

I'm losing sleep
Is it just me
Did you get my message
Must be the connection

Call me crazy
Call me foolish
Call me every single thing you wanna call me
You just better call me
Call this situation toxic
Call it off but don't get off it
Call me
You just better call me

This is urgent
I've been up all night just tossin' turnin'
Need to hear your voice
But I'd rather see you in person
I know beggars can't be choosey
Honestly and truly
I'll take what you give me
I don't need too many minutes of your time
Just a few tonight
You've been in my head
You've been on my mind
I'll be leaving kisses through the phone
Right before the tone

I'm losing sleep
Is it just me
Did you get my message
Must be the connection

Call me crazy
Call me foolish
Call me every single thing you wanna call me
You just better call me
Call this situation toxic
Call it off but don't get off it
Call me
You just better call me

Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me

I'm waiting on you
Baby can you come through
You know what to do
And even if you

Call me crazy
Call me foolish
Call me every single thing you wanna call me
You just better call me
Call this situation toxic
Call it off but don't get off it
Call me
You just better call me

Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me

Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me baby
Yeah you better call me

Call me up baby
Even if you call me crazy
Won't you call me
As long as you call me





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