Nothing's Carved In Stone「All We Have feat. Masato (coldrain)」歌詞


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「All We Have feat. Masato (coldrain)」歌詞

歌手:Nothing's Carved In Stone
作詞:Nothing's Carved In Stone・Masato・Jamil Kazmi
作曲:Nothing's Carved In Stone

You really thought that you're the one
That could walk out on the sea?
People'd look in awe
Calling it a miracle

I am nothing but a man
But can stand on my own ground
People wish that I
Will fall down so damn deep inside yea

It's all we have
It's all we have
All we have left is future

Everybody needs their space
I can look into the stars
People say that my
Head is up inside the clouds

I'll ride the wave
I'll pave the way
I'll fly in space

And never come back down

Temperatures rising now
Even though the suns setting
Temperatures rising now
We only have ourselves to blame
Come freaks, we're rising up
We're just a little insane
Temperatures rising now
All we have left is future

It's all we have
It's all we have
All we have left is future

I really know that i'm the one
That can come and make the change
People don't believe
In stuff they cannot touch or see

We are nothing but a song
So gather round and sing along
People everywhere
Stand up to right all the wrongs

Don't live for what THEY want
Don't change for what THEY need
Stay true to who you are
Stay true and just believe
No one can ever take this away from

Temperatures rising now
Even though the suns setting
Temperatures rising now
We only have ourselves to blame
Come freaks, we're rising up
We're just a little insane
Temperatures rising now
All we have left is future

One day surpasses my long night
Maybe shadows still are around you
One day surpasses my long night
Heads are spinning round and round for you

One day surpasses my long night
Maybe shadows still are around you
One day surpasses my long night
Heads are spinning round and round for you

Temperatures rising now
Even though the suns setting
Temperatures rising now
We only have ourselves to blame
Come freaks, we're rising up
We're just a little insane
Temperatures rising now
All we have left is future

All we have left is future
All we have left is future
All we have left is future

Nothing's Carved In Stoneの人気ランキング




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