冨岡愛「グッバイバイ (English ver.)」歌詞


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「グッバイバイ (English ver.)」歌詞

作詞:Ai Tomioka
作曲:Ai Tomioka

I knew it was a little too late from the moment our eyes met

I knew I could've changed my fate
Before we took another step

The way you walk, the way that you talk has got me falling

You keep me close in ways that you don't even notice
You have my heart

Gotta find my way home, but can't let you go
I hate that you're alright

I need you to know that I'm a mess inside
I'm lonely tonight

Be by your side, missing you now, you're all I need
I never got the chance to tell you why

I wanna say I'm walking away 'cause it hurts to stay
But I'm still thinking of you everyday

She's by your side, I know it's not me, I'm moving on
I'll find another reason to cry

So I say goodbye, Bye bye
My one true love, you'll never know what you mean to me

I know you couldn't keep your eyes from wandering
But did it ever cross your mind

That I could see exactly who you were chasing
I'm always the one left behind

The way you smile, the way you go the extra mile, has got me falling

You keep me hanging, as if you've really never noticed
My broken heart

I gotta go 'cause we both know, you're hear to tell me you've moved on
The more I know what I'll be
missing, wishing I could just forget that I'm alone
It's harder let go

'Cause I love you so

Be by your side, missing you now, you're all I need
I never got the chance to tell you why

I wanna say I'm walking away 'cause it hurts to stay
But I'm still thinking of you everyday

She's by your side, I know it's not me, I'm moving on
I'll find another reason to cry

So I say goodbye, Bye bye
My one true love, you'll never know what you mean to me

She's by your side
I know I should be strong, but living life without you feels so wrong

So I say goodbye, bye bye
My one true love, This is it, the end to our story

Good bye-bye,
My Love forever good bye


1 劣りいや なんとなく わかってきたよ この世...
2 グッバイバイEye と Eye が合ったの 気のせいじゃ...
3 ぷれぜんと。愛してる 全てを 抱きしめたい 君を離さ...
4 アイワナあざとい 冷たい 何気ない君の仕草に さ...
5 ラプンツェル我慢できないんだ 日付の変わった スマホ...
6 恋する惑星「アナタ」帰り道にUFOを見かけた気がした 銀色の...
7 愛 need your love音の鳴らないイヤフォン モノトーンな君の...
8 らしくないよね。気づいて欲しかった それだけ言えなかった...
9 あなたは懐メロふとした時に口ずさんでいるあのメロディー...
10 MAYBE恋に堕ちたのきっとあなたから でも不意を...



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