Nenashi「Work Song feat. Mike Larry Draw」歌詞


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「Work Song feat. Mike Larry Draw」歌詞

作詞:Hiro-a-key・Mike Larry Draw

Wake up, Workin' ain't easy
Work makin' ends meet
Workin', Workin', yeah

Tryin' super hard just to get by
Gotta make the dollar do the 9 to 5
Workin' ass off gotta pay the price
Can't live anymore with just a pizza slice
Used to walk all the way back home
Shoes were good but I think I was broke
Took all night, see the rise of dawn
Soon I gotta get up in the morning

I've been feelin' kinda high, yeah
Just lyin' here, am I dreamin', am I dreamin' yeah
I've been feelin' so nice, yeah
Takin' me to cloud nine

Wake up, Workin' ain't easy
Work makin' ends meet
Workin', Workin', yeah

Yo, I got an e-mail just now that said they need the work
by 2PM today
It's 9AM and it take three days to accomplish it properly
On top of that there have been warnings of tardy submission and
Obviously the boss has been targeting me, do to rivalry
and privately I can see the power struggle (Oh my)
I mean this year my salary was supposed to double (Really)
Now he says I need 3 more months to get it (Wow)
The real reason is because of that new girl Bridget (Dang)
He has a crush
I heard he took her on a date then revealed his love and she declined
Then double down and said she wanted to be mine
Which crushed his heart and
Now I have to be crushed with 9 to 9 work
No breaks
This hurts cause he's hurt and I hate
That she thinks that I'm cute cause I'm tired
And I know at some point in this day I'll be fired
The coocoo part is I never talk to the this lady
Yet she put a spell on the manager whose driving me crazy
Where's my raise man

I've been feelin' kinda high, yeah
Just lyin' here, am I dreamin', am I dreamin' yeah
I've been feelin' so nice, yeah
Takin' me to cloud nine

Wake up, Workin' ain't easy
Work makin' ends meet
Workin', Workin', yeah

Wake up, Workin' ain't easy
Work makin' ends meet
Workin', Workin', yeah

アルバム「Found in Tokyo」収録曲





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