WENDY「When U Played Me」歌詞

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When U Played Me / WENDY

「When U Played Me」歌詞


When you played me was it easy to run to someone else
We were hopeless and I know that your not the one for me

So now I'm done thinking about you
So runaway have a good time
Honestly fuck your goodbyes

When U played me was it easy to run to someone else
We were hopeless and I know that your not the one for me

And I don't won't you by my said
And I don't won't you in my life
So play along so play along
Like you played me

We were hopeless but it's ok I had you all in my dreams
We weren't perfect but it's ok
It's just a fantasy

I loved you like nobody else could but you left me for that
guy from your school

When U played me was it easy to run to someone else
We were hopeless and I know that your not the one for me

And I don't won't you by my said
And I don't won't you in my life
So play along so play along
Like you

And I sold my heart to a girl I fell in love
Fell in love

When U played me was it easy to run to someone else
We were hopeless and I know that your not the one for me

And I don't won't you by my said
And I don't won't you in my life
So play along so play along
Like you played me

アルバム「Don't waste my YOUTH」収録曲





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3 カルンシュタインの系譜LIGHT BRINGER
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5 Stay HereAsilo
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