OMEGA X「luv 'em」歌詞


ホーム > OMEGA X > luv 'em 歌詞


「luv 'em」歌詞


I fig out how we're in rave
I need to move in the club
Still in rave, come in rave, to me

I fig out how we're in rave
I need to move in the club
Still in rave, come in rave, to me

I fig out how we're in rave
I need to move in the club
Still in rave, come in rave, to me

I fig out how we're in rave
I need to move in the club
Still in rave, come in rave, to me

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
What what hey

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
Woo what what hey

Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em
Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em
Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em
Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em

(Tom) Give it, give it, give it, what's up Jerry?
(Jerry) Tell me, tell me, want you down, buddy?
(Tom) Almost biggie, on the waygie, how would break in, bad boo-doo damn it!
(Jerry) We jumpin' high wall
(Tom) I want it! want it! want it! Hurry
(Jerry) If you need it, I'll be wayden, do do after 20 bucks and...
(Tom) Tell me what you wanna, gonna gonna jab and kick in gonna gonna watch this!! %$2fj@e^'=@r〜r?}+〜*,,,,,,nahhh
(Jerry) Weepin' tappin' bounce bouncin', we can dip in booze boozy

Get into double up way
They slaying on the way
Do ya wanna get touch down?
(Tom & Jerry) Yup, Tom & Jerry touch down!

I fig out how we're in rave
I need to move in the club
Still in rave, come in rave, to me

I fig out how we're in rave
I need to move in the club
Still in rave, come in rave, to me

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
What what hey

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out

Give, give, give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
What what hey

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
Woo what what hey

Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em
Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em
Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em
Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em
Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em
Luv 'em Lu Lu Lu Luv 'em

They was bombarded left and right
Hey, stir up lovely troubles like a Bambino

(Tom) Tell me what you get now, how wolf night
(Jerry) Hey hood was crazy last night
(Tom & Jerry) Go TAP TAP TAP, why TOODLES here? Damn buddy

Get into double up way
They slaying on the way
Do ya wanna get touch down?
(Tom & Jerry) Yup, Tom & Jerry touch down!

I fig out how we're in rave
I need to move in the club
Still in rave, come in rave, to me

I fig out how we're in rave
I need to move in the club
Still in rave, come in rave, to me

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
What what hey

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out

Give, give, give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
What what hey

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
Woo what what hey

Give me some, give me some, give give me some, give me some
Give give me, give me some, bu bu bu bu bubble

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out

Give, give, give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
What what hey

Give me some bubble buddy down n up
Get me sweat n hot, hey wait out
Woo what what hey

Lu Luv 'em

アルバム「Stand up!」収録曲

OMEGA Xの人気ランキング




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