松田聖子「赤いスイートピー English Version」歌詞


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「赤いスイートピー English Version」歌詞

作詞:松本隆・Marc Jordan

On a spring coloured train I'll go with you
To the sea, I want to be there with you
Pack your dreams and follow me down to the sea
Your cologne is all around me now

After all this I wonder
If I'm just wasting time
And I wonder when you're going to make
Some kind of move on me

I will follow you
I want to be right there beside you always
I will follow you
And hold you near and never let you wonder
You're so wonderfull
And just a little shy

Now my life is blossoming into a song
And I owe it all to you sweet pea

In the spring we were alone beneath the rain
On our own just sitting at the station
There was no one left to tell us what to do
No one waiting for the train to come

And I looked into your eyes and I realized you're leaving
I just can't believe it's time
That we have to be gone

I will follow you
I feel the wings of love walking beside you
I will follow you
You make me feel so young when I'm around you
Like a little girl
You are my whole world

Sitting at the station I can feel your love
By the tracks growing like sweet pea

I love you now
I want you now
Have to feel you near me
I will follow you
I want to love the way you live forever
I can never go back to my home
Go back to my home

I can feel the warmth of spring is in the air
And I owe it all to you sweet pea

アルバム「SEIKO MATSUDA 2020」収録曲
アルバム「SEIKO JAZZ 3」収録曲


1 明るい未来にしようね、Positiveに!不思議ね私 大丈夫よ 本当につらい別れだ...
2 赤いスイートピー春色の汽車に乗って 海に連れて行ってよ...
3 抱いて…何度も別れを 心に決めても あなたの顔を...
4 愛♡愛〜100%♥Pure Love〜 (Album Version)100%PureLove 愛♡(ai)愛♡...
5 あなたに逢いたくて 〜Missing You〜二人の部屋の 扉を閉めて 思い出たちに“...
6 We Never Get To ItWe could change everything Just tak...
7 bless youWonderin' night 例えば 君を忘れたな...
8 浮気なMy Boyどうしたの さっきから 落ち着きのない様...
9 レモネードの夏冷えたレモネード 白いカフェーから 揺れ...
10 Sweet Memoriesなつかしい痛みだわ ずっと前に忘れていた...



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