Versailles「Love will be born again」歌詞

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Love will be born again / Versailles

「Love will be born again」歌詞


The time is crying in your little heart
It will stop our time and my dreams
Can you see the tears flowing from your eyes
When your soul leaves your body
So you're outside by this time

Many times
Love will be born again
It always comes back from the sorrow depth inside
Until you'll face the truth
And slowly walk with me on usual way

I'll be with you
I've never loved anyone like this before
Any time, every time
I want to stay with you
I don't want to say goodbye.
I'm afraid of losing your love
I could never live without you
But my time doesn't forgive it

I couldn't understand why my heart felt so tight
And you couldn't leave my soul
Your love stayed the same
Feeling the voice echoing from the future
You'll cry with a sense of pathos
I hold this love and you by all means

Every time
Love will be born again
It always comes back from the sorrow far away
Until you'll face the truth
And slowly walk with me on usual time

I'll be with you
No matter how much time goes by, I love you
Any time, every time
I want to be with you
I don't want to say goodbye
I'm afraid of losing your love
I could never live without you

I need your love
I've never loved anyone like this before
Your smile, your soul, please once again!
I couldn't say I love you
The pain of losing a loved one
I would never forget usual way with you
Time goes by

アルバム「Holy Grail」収録曲





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