Whale Taylor 歌詞一覧


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Whale Taylorの歌詞一覧

該当件数9件 その内1〜9件
新着順人気順|▲ 曲名順
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Catch you later This time I spend with you is so pl...
The sea Hello In your hand, there's a phone...
Shall we do now? A very nice night. Great night. nig...
Take it Easy I want to understand you. Because s...
Hello "I don't know you" it starts with a...
blue I'm always dreaming beautiful dream...
You made it happen That's happiness. I'll always think...
Leave ooh uh, ooh uh, ooh ooh ooh uh uh o...
rain stop 都会に降る雨 傘をさして歩く 僕ら少し距...

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