Sable Hills 歌詞一覧


歌詞ナビ > Sable Hills

Sable Hills

該当件数8件 その内1〜8件
新着順人気順|▲ 曲名順
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A New Chapter SABLE HILLSA New Chapter Carrying my cross It is the de...
Anthem SABLE HILLSAnthem The sky is above me It is cove...
Odyssey SABLE HILLSOdyssey I'm on the way to the destinat...
Carry The Torch Sable HillsCarry The Torch It costs me my life I lost my...
Tokyo Sable HillsTokyo This is where we began To make...
Bad King SABLE HILLSBad King Fight back against it Fight ba...
Battle Cry SABLE HILLSBattle Cry Feed the fire Let the last cin...
Misfortune Sable HillsMisfortune It is the birth of demise When...

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