Naive Super 歌詞一覧


ホーム > Naive Super

Naive Superの歌詞一覧

該当件数13件 その内1〜13件
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Again, Under The Cherry Moon We'll meet again tonight Waiting in...
And The Moon Be Still As Bright As bright The moon be still as bri...
It's Golden Imagine the color of night Reaching...
Within Us Invincible Summer Can you feel? Within you Just like...
Keep Mine No Hidden Keep mine Someone says You better...
Sixpence Might Change Your Whole World Ex-boyfriend couldn't understand Si...
To The Moon or Mars Somehow I must get away from this t...
Nothing But Moon Love Nothing but moon love Nothing but m...
No Place Like A Quiet Beach There's no place like a quiet beach...
Brave New Perspective Show me your room Inside your deep...
White And Blue See the snow melting again On the h...
Moment Of Our Sweet Revenge Driving through Weekend perfect vie...
Love Beach Go out to the ocean Where you can s...

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