The BONEZ 歌詞一覧


ホーム > The BONEZ

The BONEZの歌詞一覧

該当件数11件 その内1〜11件
新着順人気順|▲ 曲名順
- - - ◆ 曲名 - - - ◆ 歌い出し - - - ◆ ミニ情報
Anthem My shoelace is untied, I trip over...
Until you wake up I'll wait for you until you wake up...
Kings work Yes I work But I play hard anyways...
Code name Hatred still lives in my sleep It w...
SUNTOWN Waking up in my room thinking what...
See you again Oh Oh Oh I'll see you again so you'...
Nice to meet you (Oh) All of it all of all of it now...
Bird 〜people with wings〜 It's just another rays of light sta...
LIFE I have a question and I wonder why...
Rude Boy I'll be back I'll be back I'll be b...
One more People walking down the streets Loo...

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