a crowd of rebellion「A Malice Of Rider」歌詞

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A Malice Of Rider / a crowd of rebellion

「A Malice Of Rider」歌詞

歌手:a crowd of rebellion

Today's race is so sick
Someone is controlling my mind
There is no road that I can't run through
I love to run on the edge

I'm not afraid! I'm the best!
Not a game
I am the top

I woke up and I was headless
Just before the goal, head over heels
I must have been the fastest and strongest
Can't stop, I never wanna stop until I die!!

What the hell is this guy saying?
Hate to see a head

Well, he can find my neck

Somehow I am always in trouble
Why? Why? Why is it me?
Is that because I am a dick?
They're making fun of me
Even my honey didn't care of me
My love, my love didn't even care
I don't feel so bad to be needed
I'm ready for start

Now what we got
Everything happens
Like me and you
Never imagined to be a headless rider
Maybe I can help him, it's my head though
I feel sorry a bit
Until we find my head, until you die

I am tired badly now
Someone tell me when will he let my mind go
I don't wanna be kind to people, well he's not a man
What the hell is this guy saying?

Somehow I am always in trouble
Why? Why? Why is it me?
Is that because I am a dick?
They're making fun of me
Even my honey didn't care of me
My love, my love didn't even care
I don't feel so bad to be needed
I'm ready for start

I've gotta start running in another world
See you tomorrow on same place
This is a never-ending journey

a crowd of rebellionの歌詞ランキング

a crowd of rebellionの楽曲一覧を見る▶



1 ミヨリの森元ちとせ
雨が木々を愛(め)でている 風が...
2 わーきゃーいわれないヒャダイン
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3 あの日の僕らへBlue Journey
ふと感じた匂いが重なって 僕の...
4 10年後この木の下で森恵
憧れた街で 何となく忙しくなっ...
5 正解(18FES ver.)RADWIMPS
この先に出会うどんな友とも 分...



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