ONE OK ROCK「Take me to the top」歌詞

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歌詞ナビ > ONE OK ROCK > Take me to the top

Take me to the top / ONE OK ROCK

「Take me to the top」歌詞


Take me to the top Take me to the top
Take me to the top Take it
Take me to the top Take me to the top
Bring me up to pull me down

Take me to the top Take me to the top
Take me to the top Take it
Take me to the top Take me to the top
You're the one to push me over

I've never what you really needed
You won't stop you can't stop can't let go
Everybody knows
Come with me listen close
Take me now I'll take you home

Way too close when I'm far away from you
And all the crazy shit we do

Take me to the top Take me to the top
Take me to the top Take it
Take me to the top Take me to the top
Bring me up to pull me down

Take me to the top Take me to the top
Take me to the top Take it
Take me to the top Take me to the top
You're the one to push me over

I wonder why

Oh you do this to me every time
Slowly creeping into my mind
Oh I can see it in your eyes
Suffocating till the day we die

Way too close when I'm far away from you
And all the crazy shit we do

Take me to the top Take me to the top
Take me to the top Take it
Take me to the top Take me to the top
Bring me up to pull me down

Take me to the top Take me to the top
Take me to the top Take it
Take me to the top Take me to the top
You're the one to push me over

I wonder why


ONE OK ROCKの歌詞ランキング

ONE OK ROCKの楽曲一覧を見る▶



1 上の空一青窈
2 早起き時計童謡
チックタック チックタック ボー...
3 Scratch (with 稲葉浩志)TK from 凛として時雨
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4 ビンタRUMI
ナンで許しちゃえるの? あんな...
5 はじめては全部君がいい声にならないよ
拝啓、ありきたりな日常。 ドラ...



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