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歌詞ナビ > CLUTCHO > Wandering

Wandering / CLUTCHO



Today was a terrible day
It feels like nothing's going the way I want it
My favorite guitar was broken too
It was a really bad day, I think my head's gonna blow

If I think about it, I'll just feel down
Gonna call it a day

I just wanna chill, take it easy for a day
Get up and go to work, rent a movie on my way home
And talk with her on the phone before I go to sleep
That's how I want to spend my days

So, how was your day?
Are things going okay, with that boss you say you hate?
I would have quit so long ago
It is great you have stuck with it this long, you're so strong

If I think about it, I'll just feel down
Gonna call it a day

Call me when you're free, no matter what I'm doing
I'll drop it to go and see you, just wait for me
Let's grab something to eat, then fool around in the city
Tomorrow we don't have work

Never say die, Never say die
Tomorrow is another day, gotta take the rough with the smooth

I don't aim too high, I'm just going to take it easy
You will understand these words of mine someday

I just wanna chill, take it easy for a day
Get up and go to work, rent a movie on my way home
And talk with her on the phone before I go to sleep
That's the life I want to live

Call me when you're free, no matter what I'm doing
I'll drop it to go and see you, just wait for me
Let's grab something to eat, then fool around in the city
That's how I want to spend my days

It was a terrible day
Maybe we can blame it on bad luck for just this time





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