LOW IQ 01「Mirror, Mirror」歌詞

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Mirror, Mirror / LOW IQ 01

「Mirror, Mirror」歌詞

歌手:LOW IQ 01
作詞:LOW IQ 01
作曲:LOW IQ 01

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Can you hear me calling?
Mirror, mirror on the wall
What am I missing?
Eighteen ways to wear a tie
I Think I know them all
Anyway I do it
Just don't look alright

Upside down
Inside out
From the beginning
Until the end

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Tell me who's to blame
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Oh, what have I done?
Out of so many colors
Thought I chose the 1
Out of so many patterns
Isn't this the 1?

Upside down
Inside out
From the beginning
Until the end

Oh, mirror
Let me know what is right
Oh, mirror
What's so wrong?
Oh, mirror
Let me know what is right
Oh, mirror
What's so wrong?

Upside down
Inside out
From the beginning
Until the end

Oh, mirror
Let me know what is right
Oh, mirror
What's so wrong?
Oh, mirror
Let me know what is right
Oh, mirror
What's so wrong?

アルバム「Yes, LOW IQ 01」収録曲

LOW IQ 01の歌詞ランキング

LOW IQ 01の楽曲一覧を見る▶



1 永遠の胸尾崎豊
一人きりの寂しさの意味を 抱き...
2 からだ☆ダンダンFourdans
(GO!) からだ ダンダンダン (GO!...
3 存在尾崎豊
にぎやかな街 隠しきれないさみ...
4 輪!Moon!dass!cry!田中望(赤崎千夏)、菊池茜(戸松遥)、鷺宮しおり(豊崎愛生)
YO マイクチェック JK え? ハ...
5 秘密基地アルカラ
丘の上 雲が浮かぶ 割と緩やかな...



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