Crystal Kay「Hold On」歌詞

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Hold On / Crystal Kay

「Hold On」歌詞

歌手:Crystal Kay
作詞:Joey Carbone
作曲:Anthony Mazza・Christine Kellogg

Sometimes life gives us a losing hand
And we have no choice but to play
'Cause there are some things we can't understand
And we just can't push them away
It would be wonderful if everyone believed in love and peace

Hold on and never stop loving me
Hold on, our love will last eternity
If you believe, that we will be together once again someday hold on

I always will be watching over you
The brightest star up in the sky
I'm in a better place, believe it's true
So there's reason for you to cry
I'll be here, and I will be waiting 'til you reach the other side

Hold on and never stop loving me
Hold on, our love will last eternity
If you believe, that we will be together once again someday hold on

No pain, no tears
Running with the angels
Full of extacy and glory
There are no lies, no fears
Someday you will be with me to fulfill our destiny

Hold on and never stop loving me
Hold on, our love will last eternity
If you believe, that we will be together once again someday hold on


Crystal Kayの歌詞ランキング

Crystal Kayの楽曲一覧を見る▶



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5 とんび童謡
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